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Critical Thinking

Searching for Examples

There are four types of fallacies covered in the critical reasoning assignment.

  1. Fallacy of Generalizing from Incomplete Information (inductive)
  2. Fallacy of Overlooking Alternatives (inductive)
  3. Fallacy of Affirming the Consequent (deductive
  4. Fallacy of Denying the Antecedent (deductive

You can find examples of these fallacies on a website, in a newspaper, or in a magazine, or on social media. 


  1. Make sure you understand the definitions of each of these fallacy types. 
  2. Be on the lookout for dramatic claims -- or statements that seem too good to be true. 
  3. Keep an eye out for scientific-sounding language that is not backed up by data or specific sources.
  4. Consider what types of sources might be less rigorous about the application of sound logic (see the evaluating sources page of this guide). 
  5. Consider what categories of authors are more likely to rely on faulty logic to persuade.

Logical Fallacy

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