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This guide is designed to facilitate access to library resources regarding numerous aspects of accessibility.

Library Accessibilty Services

The Franklin University Library recognizes the needs of students with disabilities and is committed to providing accessible  services, programs, and educational opportunities. 

In addition to accessible facilities and plentiful disability parking in the lot adjacent to Frasch Hall, the library offers these accessibility services: 

  1. The Learning Commons offers three (3) study rooms (SMR's) to Franklin faculty, staff, students, and alumni living in the Central Ohio area. SMR's can provide a quiet place to study, meet with a tutor or classmate, etc. Reservations for SMR's can be made here

  2. SMR 1 has a JAWS screen reader which provides speech and Braille output for the most popular computer applications.

  3. Handicap accessible doors on all student/public facing buildings on campus

  4. Franklin Librarians are always here for one-on-one research questions from all our students.

© 2023 Franklin University Nationwide Library - Frasch Hall, First Floor 201 S. Grant Ave. Columbus, Ohio 43215 614.947.6550 or 1.866.341.6252 | Fax: 614.461.0957 |