- Sign-in to RefWorks, then select the references you wish to include in your bibliography.
- Tip: Save your references in a folder, so you can easily use the "Select all" option within that folder to select all your references.
- After you have selected your references, select Create bibliography from the navigation menu, then Create bibliography from the drop-down.

- Your account should default to APA 7th Edition (which is the newest edition), but check the upper left corner to ensure the correct citation style is selected (If not, select the citation style and use the drop-down to change it).
- Your reference list will automatically generate in the viewing area. Select Copy to Clipboard, then navigate to your document and paste the formatted reference list.

NOTE: You should ALWAYS double check that your reference list has proper capitalization, punctuation, use of italics and other formatting criteria. Sometimes weird formatting can occur especially if you have imported references from the databases. Remember, ensuring the citation is accurate is ultimately your responsibility.