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This web-based citation management system will save you time. Use this guide to learn how!

Adding References (General)

To add a reference to refworks, In general, on the description page for an article look for an "export" or "cite" refence link or button. This will often give you an option to "direct export" to RefWorks.

If you do not see such an option, the easiest method is often to export the PDF of the article and import the PDF to RefWorks as explained on the "By Uploading Files" box below. 

The boxes on this page explain how to add references from two specific library databases:

  • EBSCO databases; and
  • the Electronic Journal Center.

For other articles that you find (either through the library or online), there are boxes explaining

  • how to add references by uploading a pdf; and
  • how to manually enter the reference.

Adding References (From an EBSCO database)

You can easily export article information into RefWorks from an EBSCO database (which has the word "EBSCO" in parenthesis after the database name on the library's databases page).

  1. Perform a search.
  2. From the results list, Select the title of your chosen resource. The full record will open.
  3. On the right side under Tools, Select the Export icon.Step 3 of instructions
  4. Select Direct Export to Refworks in the list of options that appears. Then select Save. Step 4
  5. If you aren't already signed into your RefWorks account, it will have you sign-in. 
  6. Select OK on the Import complete screen. All imported documents will appear in the Last Imported area of Refworks. Step 6

Adding References (From the Electronic Journal Center)

This tab explains how to export references from the Electronic Journal Center (EJC) to RefWorks.

In addition to the citation import/export method listed on this page, you can export the pdf of your EJC article and import the PDF to refworks (which will analyze it and extract the citation information) as discussed in the "uploading files" tab.

To export a reference from the EJC and import it to RefWorks:

  1. Perform a Search.
  2. In your results list, select the article you want to export by selecting the title.
  3. Then on the next screen, select Export Citation under Tools menu on the right side. Select Export Citation and Ok
  4. pop-up window will appear. Select OK to download and save an RIS file to your computer.
  5. Sign into RefWorks. Then, select the Add icon on the top tools bar and select Import references. Sign-in to RefWorks & select Add, then Import references
  6. On the next page, you can drag and drop or select the RIS file you previously downloaded from your downloads folder (or wherever you saved your RIS file). Add RIS file and select OhioLINK file format
  7. After you upload your file, a pop-up window will appear. In the drop down menu, select OhioLINK, then Import.
  8. Select OK on the Import complete page. All imported documents will appear in the Last Imported area of RefWorks. Select Ok on the Import complete screen

Adding References (By Uploading a PDF)

You can easily add documents from your computer into RefWorks in two ways: Upload or Drag and Drop.

To Upload one or more documents into RefWorks:

  1. Select the Add icon on the top tools bar, then select the Upload document from the drop-down options and select a file from your computer. 
  2. RefWorks will begin uploading the file and extracting any metadata.
  3. Once the document has been analyzed and uploaded, you can then select the reference and add or edit the citation information. 

Using the Drag and Drop option:

Tip: If you want to add your documents to a specific folder, make sure you're viewing that folder first.

  1. Drag and upload screenshotSlightly minimize your Refworks screen and select the document(s) you want to bring into RefWorks
    • ​​Note: If you're dragging multiple files, RefWorks will create a separate reference for each document. 
  2. Drag the documents into the main viewing area.
  3. Your document(s) will be analyzed and uploaded. Once complete you can then add or edit the citation information.

Note: You will mostly likely have to edit the citation information for any files that you upload or drag and drop. While RefWorks does its best to analyze and obtain the correct citation information, it is not always accurate.

Adding References (By Manually Entering Citation Information)

  1. In RefWorks, select the Add icon at the top of the page, then select the Create new reference from the drop-down menu. 
  2. In the pop-up that appears, enter data describing your reference.
    • Make sure to first select the correct type of reference (Journal Article, book, webpage, etc.) using the Ref Type field. 
    • Tip: Enter the title of your reference, then select the lightening bolt icon to the right  of the Title field. A search will be performed for your reference so you can import the citation information rather than type it out.
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