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Leadership Development Program

Franklin University's Mission Statement

Franklin University is a student-centered, nonprofit, independent institution.

Franklin University provides high quality, relevant education enabling the broadest possible community of learners to achieve their goals and enrich the world.

See also: Refocus 2020

SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis is conducted to assess a company's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.

Find a SWOT analysis for a company:

1. Go to the library database, Business Source Complete.

2. Enter company's name in first search box and "SWOT analysis" in the second search box.

10 Reasons Why Strategic Plans Fail

From the Alerion blog on "Here are 10 reasons why plans fail. Avoid these traps and you’ll be closer to your goal of implementing a strategic plan that actually achieves results and improves your business."



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