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Artificial Intelligence (AI)

How to Use This Guide

Be sure to read the box below on this page about Franklin University's AI policy before using AI in a course.

This guide provides information about:

  • Verifying articles: Why you can't just cite an article you find through AI and how to verify that an article actually exists;
  • Crafting prompts / using IA for research: What AI prompts are, and how best to create them;
  • Ethical concerns: Some ethical considerations relating to the use of AI, including: hallucinations, garbage in - garbage out / bias, environmental impact, and copyright/creator's rights; and
  • News: sources of updated information about AI.

Franklin University's AI Policy

General Policy

Check with your instructor before using AI in a course. In many cases, the use of AI may be considered plagiarism.

Franklin University's Academic Misconduct Policy addresses the permitted use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by students at Franklin University. As of Fall, 2024, the policy provides:

Please note: Any unauthorized use of A.I. tools and similar software to produce academic work, in whole or in part, including assignments, exams, class postings, or research, is considered an act of plagiarism and is not permitted unless the Lead Faculty for the course has explicitly granted permission to do so in advance.  Students are expected to refrain from using such tools and rely on course textbooks, Learning Commons resources, and approved online sources to assist them in completing their assignments.  Failure to do so may result in a report of suspected academic misconduct and possible sanctions.

However, AI is a fast-changing area, so check the policy itself to be sure of what use of AI the University permits.


Doctoral Students

The Doctoral College has an additional policy on AI use that doctoral students must follow. This policy is set forth in the Doctoral Handbook, under the "Doctoral Studies Specific Policies on AI use" heading. Doctoral students who are considering using AI should first review this policy.

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