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SPCH 100 Speech Communications

Monroe's Motivated Sequence

"Monroe’s Motivated Sequence (MMS) is an organizational pattern used to develop a sense of want or need in the audience, satisfy that want or need, and to help the audience get enthused about the advantages of that solution."

Attention to get audience to listen "I want to hear what you have to say"
Need to get audience to feel a need or want "I agree. I have that need/want
Satisfaction to tell audience how to fill need or want "I see your solution will work"
Visualization to get audience to see benefits of solution "This is a great idea"
Action to get audience to take action "I want it"

Severn Cullis-Suzuki

Severn Cullis-Suzuki is an activist and writer who has been speaking out about social justice and environmental issues since she was small. At age 9, she started the Environmental Children's Organization (ECO) with a group of friends committed to learning and teaching others about environmental issues. In 1992, with ECO, Severn attended the Rio Earth Summit, where, at the age of twelve, she delivered a powerful speech that garnered worldwide attention. For this she received the UN Environment Program's Global 500 Award in Beijing the following year.

Here she is speaking 20 years later at Rio+Social in 2012.


American Rhetoric

Top 100 Speeches

- I Have A Dream (MLK, Jr.)
- Inaugural Address (JFK)
- First Inaugural Address (Roosevelt)
- Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation (Roosevelt)
- 1976 DNC Keynote Address (Barbara Charline Jordan)



American Rhetoric (2018) Top 100 Speeches. Retrieved

August 28, 1963, at the Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C.

Randy Pausch's "Last Lecture"

Randy Pausch was a virtual reality pioneer, human-computer interaction researcher, co-founder of CMU's Entertainment Technology Center, and and creator of the Alice software project.

Pausch, R., Zaslow, J., & Singer, E. (2008). The last lecture [Audio book]. New York, N.Y.: Hyperion Audiobooks.

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